• 1977

    In 1977, the first version of Hit-Office was created under the name “Hite”. It is a DOS version initially used for internal use in the Linden group, the group to which Ficos currently belongs.

  • 1997

    The Windows version of the product appeared in 1997, but it will remain for internal use by the group.


  • 2002

    In 2002, the software development was completed and the commercialization phase began. This is when the first Hit-Office licenses were sold.

  • 2007

    In 2007, the Linden group decided to expand the Ficos company, initially based in Saint-Vith, and so set up a second team. This is how Ficos SA Luxembourg came to be, a totally independent company from Ficos AG Saint-Vith. The new company is based in Troisvierges.


  • 2016

    In 2016, the company decided to launch into the marketing of new complementary products. The first in the “Hit” series was “Hit-Tracking“, a geolocation system. This product became an immediate success, prompting Ficos to propose new products for the future.

  • 2017

    One year after Hit-Tracking, a new product, a mobile application, is launched: Hit-Mobile. This application, available on smartphones and tablets, is the little sister of the Hit-Office ERP software, designed to complete it.


  • 2018

    During the month of June 2018, a new product was launched: Hit-Market, a request and pricing platform for contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers

  • 2018

    Shortly after Hit-Market, Ficos decided to launch Hit-Clock, an on-site clocking application, to complete the HIT range.


  • Today

    Today, Ficos is growing more and more. New members are joining the team, they are relocating to larger premises, and a list of new and upcoming products is already being created.